Statistics & Probability Workbook Grades 5-12 SOLD OUT

This middle-to-upper grade statistics and probability resource book helps students learn how to apply skills in the real-world.


USD16.73/ TTD $113.43

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This middle-to-upper grade statistics and probability resource book helps students learn how to apply skills in the real-world.

Mark Twain’s Statistics and Probability resource book for fifth to twelfth grades provides opportunities for students to organize and interpret data. From predicting an event to conducting surveys and analyzing test scores, this resource book for math teachers helps students understand how these concepts are applied in real-world scenarios.

Mark Twain Media Publishing Company specializes in providing engaging supplemental books and decorative resources to complement middle- and upper-grade classrooms. Designed by leading educators, this product line covers a range of subjects including mathematics, sciences, language arts, social studies, history, government, fine arts, and character.

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