Tiggly Shapes - Manipulatives for the Tablet

Tiggly toys and apps are designed by educators and tested extensively by parents and their toddlers at homes and in preschools.


USD40.56/ TTD $275.00

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Tiggly toys and apps are designed by educators and tested extensively by parents and their toddlers at homes and in preschools. Tiggly products are fun for all ages, but specifically intended to help children between 18 months and 4 years old develop spatial reasoning, motor skills, language, and creativity. 
Spatial Reasoning. Spatial reasoning refers to children’s ability to notice, for example, that a roof is also a triangle. Tiggly Safari encourages children to identify and match four basic shapes—circles, squares, triangles, and stars. In addition, children learn about spatial relations and transformations.
Motor Skills. Motor skills are a series of actions performed in a particular order to accomplish a task - shaking a rattle, walking, eating with a spoon. For toddlers, motor skills such as grabbing objects, holding them, and manipulating them in space are important to practice. 
Language. Tiggly develops children's vocabulary through listening, speaking, and reading. In Tiggly Stamp, for example, children listen to the names of animals as they appear on screen. In addition, the apps encourage co-play with parents; we believe face-to-face interactions are extremely important. 
Creativity. Expressing creativity unlocks children’s imaginations and reinforces learning in other subjects. Through storytelling and role-play, Tiggly Draw, for example, encourages creativity by providing a medium for children to create complex images and imaginary characters.
The very first interactive tablet learning toy for toddlers and preschoolers! Designed by an award-winning team of educators and creative engineers, Tiggly Shapes helps children find the fun in learning spatial reasoning, motor skills, language, and creativity in an innovative way. Each Tiggly Shapes set contains four sleek toys in the shape of a circle, square, triangle, and star that operate in real-time with four specially built learning games. The award winning game-play is intuitive, engaging, and educational for young children.