Upcycle Style Buckets 6 inch Designer Cut-Outs

Upcycle Buckets 6" cut-outs are a colorful accent for bulletin boards, classrooms, hallways, offices and common areas!


USD10.62/ TTD $72.00

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These Upcycle Buckets 6" cut-outs are a colorful accent for bulletin boards, classrooms, hallways, offices and common areas! Perfect for use with "How Full Is Your Bucket?" lessons. The 6" size is great for crafting projects, displaying photos and work, making covers for books, seasonal/holiday decorating, classroom organization/labeling and more! Upcycle Style brings the cozy feel of realistic-looking rustic wood, familiar fabrics and playful textures to your classroom.

  • 36 pieces per package
  • 6 each of 6 designs